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What Type of Drink Are Your Friends?

Updated: Sep 12, 2019

What are you consuming? What type of drink are you as a friend?

This isn’t a quiz. Sorry. I don’t know how to set that up quite yet. But I’ve been doing a lot of thinking of friendships. I value a variety of friendships but like many other self-actualizing adults, I’m narrowing down my preferences. And I’m too old to mess around consuming beverages that don’t serve me anymore. So like the liquid I pour into my mouth, I choose the people I want to consume my time with.

My H20.

These are my solid friendships. I need these friends like my body needs water. They nourish my soul, body, and mind. They give me steady energy. Like water clarifies urine, these friends supply clarity to my cloudy disposition. When I think of these friends, I think of family. I think of my sisters. I think of the unwavering friendships I have had for many years. These friendships are pure, genuine. And I don’t prefer them lukewarm. I drink my water with ice or warm with a lemon… so I nourish these friendships and they nourish me to support health.


My Coffee.

Ah. Coffee. How I love thee. I like to drink coffee every morning. These are the friends that give me life, inspiration, and motivation. They are friends I can cuddle with on the couch and have conversations with for hours. They are the friends I can converse with about the matters of my heart, matters of society, matters of the world. There is support, active listening, openness, brainstorming, insight, and encouragement. When I’m feeling sad, these friendships give me a nice warm hug. These friends are my therapist and I theirs.


My Pinot Grigio.

Mmm. I had a period of time where I would go wine tasting. Where I would drink cocktails and shots and whatever was at a gathering or bar with group of friends. But alas, I have no time or money for that. I am glad I did it because I have narrowed down my favorite drink of choice. When I am out to have dinner, Pinot Grigio. When I am out for a girl’s night out, Pinto Grigio. When I want to watch movies or This is Us, Pinot Grigio. These are the friends I enjoy to go dine with, to unwind with, to indulge in guilty pleasures with. They are refreshing, enjoyable, and positive. These friends are also the survivors. Together we made it through all the trials of life, and together we still stand. These are the handful of college and high school friends that are still my people.



Ah. These are my new friends. I recently tried Kombucha in the last 3 years and I found some flavors I truly enjoy. I initially tried it for the Pro-Biotic influence. I then turned to it as a Whole30 approved beverage. I find it to have health benefits AND it tastes yummy.

So when I meet new friends that are good for me, have things in common with me, and are quite pleasant to be around, they are my Kombucha. We don’t spend a ton of time together because adult friendships are hard. But I’d like to spend more time with you. And to meet more people like you.


My Soda Pop.

Ugh. I love me a can of MT. Dew… And yes, I know, eww. So much sugar. Zero nutrition. But it tastes so yummy to me. And sometimes when I have a headache, it cures it. And sometimes with I’m overly tired, it gives me the energy needed to get through the day. I don’t have a lot of friends like this anymore. But these are the friends that are great but, for some reason or other, are not good for my overall health. I can think of co-workers that are fun to be friends with, but we don’t fit into the greater whole of each other’s lives. I wouldn’t have them over to sit on the couch with me to have deep conversations or to watch a movie. But they bring me joy. I wouldn’t share my opinion and thoughts, but might share a joke or two.


A Shot.

Nope. You are not my friend. Once upon a time, I indulged you in order to fit in, to temporarily feel good, to feel less, or to intentionally make bad decisions. Some of my friends actually liked you, so I tried a swig.

But you do not even taste good. You provide no substance. You are a negative ball of energy. You give me a headache. You are a bad influence.



What are you drinking these days? What friendship are you consuming? What should you put down?

Choose wisely. We are what we consume.
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